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Mempersembahkan ibis Styles BSD

IWAG 2025 bakal digelar di ibis Styles BSD, Tangerang! Lokasinya adem, jauh dari hiruk-pikuk kota, pas buat kalian yang pengen chill dan nikmatin momen seru bareng komunitas.
Hotel ini ada di pusat BSD City, lengkap banget fasilitasnya, plus desainnya juga modern. Pas banget buat nyambut para peserta IWAG. Oh iya, ada shuttle gratis ke Aeon Mall juga, jadi makin gampang buat jalan-jalan atau belanja!
Yang lebih seru lagi, hotel ini punya berbagai fasilitas keren. Ada ruang bermain dan karaoke yang dilengkapi permainan video dan arcade. Nikmati juga kolam renang yang nyaman untuk bersantai. Hidangan lezat dari Streat siap memanjakan kalian, dan fasilitas gym buat yang pengen tetap fit selama acara berlangsung.
Kec. Cisauk, Kabupaten Tangerang
Banten, Indonesia 15345
Reservasi Kamar Hotelmu
Buat para peserta IWAG, kamu bisa reservasi kamar untuk menginap, loh! Caranya tinggal isi formulir reservasi di bawah. Harganya mulai dari Rp810.000 dan udah termasuk sarapan buat dua orang.
Di Sekitar Tempat Acara
ibis Styles BSD terletak strategis di dekat berbagai Point of Interest di BSD City. Mau cari makan enak, belanja, atau hiburan? Semuanya ada di sini! Selama nginep di ibis Styles BSD, kamu bakal punya akses mudah ke tempat-tempat seru yang bikin pengalamanmu makin berkesan.
Dengan lokasi yang dikelilingi spot menarik, dijamin kamu nggak akan kehabisan ide buat eksplor BSD selama IWAG 2025. Penasaran ada apa aja? Daftar lengkapnya bisa kamu cek di bawah ini!
Pusat Perbelanjaan
- πββ 0.69 km
This open-air lifestyle and entertainment complex offers a wide selection of outlets amid lush greenery and a serene lakeside environment. Visitors can enjoy various activities such as dining, shopping, playing bowling alley or watching movies.
- πββ 0.84 km
This mall features over 300 stores as well as a diverse range of Japanese restaurants. The ground floor houses the AEON supermarket where you can get fresh sushi and Japanese delicacies.
- π π¨ 2.88 km
This shopping centre features a unique open-air concept with a focus on green spaces and natural light. It houses a variety of shops, restaurants, a large outdoor playground and a water fountain, making it a popular destination for families and shoppers.
- π π¨ 3.15 km
This culinary and shopping center offers a variety of tenants, including the Temurasa Foodpark on the first floor with over 30 culinary options. It also includes a supermarket, children's playground, and other entertainment areas.
- $$$$
- π π¨ 4.62 km
Located under a residential apartment, this mall features a variety of dining options, including fine dining establishments. For arcade enthusiasts, the CPCM arcade offers over 200 games, especially rhythm games.
- π π¨ 7.74 km
This shopping center in the Gading Serpong area features various international brands, a large food court, as well as a movie theater. The popular arcade chain Timezone also features many arcade games, including racing and rhythm games.
Restoran & Kafe
- $$$
- Balinese
- πΆββ 0.12 km
This Balinese-themed restaurant sits right next to the IWAG venue. It offers a serene dining experience reminiscent of Ubud, Bali, with both indoor and outdoor seating areas. The menu features a variety of Indonesian dishes.
- $$$
- Steakhouse
- πΆββ 0.33 km
Just a few minutes walk from the IWAG venue is a cozy steakhouse known for its delicious steaks and affordable prices. This steakhouse offers a variety of steak cuts, as well as other grilled meats and seafood. They are also known for their delicious sides.
- $$$$$
- Japanese
- πββ 1.86 km
This contemporary Japanese restaurant offers authentic teishoku (set meals). It provides a modern dining experience with a variety of fusion dishes. The restaurant features a cozy atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for dinner.
- $$
- π π¨ 3.38 km
In this Indonesia's first fox-themed cafΓ©, you can interact with various fox species, including Fennec, Arctic, Marble, and Red Foxes. It's the perfect spot for animal lovers seeking a unique dining experience.
- $$
- Claypot
- π π¨ 4.95 km
This restaurant is renowned for its signature claypot dishes that blend traditional flavors with a modern twist. Despite being a bit of a drive from the hotel, the diverse menu and cozy ambiance make it a worthwhile destination.
- $$
- Fast Food
- π π¨ 5.29 km
Located in the Gading Serpong area, this Chinese restaurant is a great place to go with your friend group, as the dishes are meant to be shared due to their large portions.
Pergi ke Sana
Survey Transportasi Peserta
Venue baru, cara ke sananya juga baru! Kamu udah ada rencana bakal naik apa ke IWAG 2025 nanti? Kita pengen denger nih gimana rencana perjalanan kamu ke IWAG di Survei Transportasi Resmi IWAG 2025!
Survei ini bersifat sukarela, tapi kalau kamu bisa kasih info soal gimana cara kamu bakal ke ibis Styles BSD, tim IWAG bisa pakai datanya buat nyiapin pilihan transportasi tambahan ke venue!
Siapa aja bisa isi survei ini! Kamu dari Jakarta? Luar kota? Atau bahkan terbang dari pulau terpencil, negara lain, atau benua jauh? Kasih tau kita biar kita bisa bantu cari solusi terbaik buat kamu!
Pertama-tama - kamu mau ke sana naik apa?