Indonesia Weekend Anthro Gathering (IWAG) is a celebration for us, by us. It’s our private haven to enjoy, but it’s not for the general public. Sure, we’re all about fun and freedom. But some rules are vital for everyone’s safety, and the event’s smooth run. Of course, we also need to maintain the reputation we’re all proud of. By setting foot in IWAG, you’re saying “yes” to these rules and all instructions given by our team.
Your Pass
When you sign up and pay for IWAG, you get a non-refundable pass. This pass allows you (not other attendees) to attend this specific event (not other events). After registering, you’ll first get a confirmation by email or on the IWAG website. During the event, you can use this pass to redeem an official event badge, which you must wear all the time in the event area. We don’t give refunds for these passes, no matter the reason. If you lose your badge, you can get a replacement badge as long as you can show your ID.
If you don’t show up, for any reason, you won’t be able to refund.
Your pass lets you into the general event but it might not include special events. IWAG may have limited events. These events might have their own rules, extra fees, or even a separate pass.
For a complete understanding of what your pass includes and the rules of participation, we strongly urge you to read the Terms and Conditions.
Registration and Authentication
To ensure a smooth check-in at the event, please have your legal identification ready. We will then match it with the details you shared with us. Don’t worry if there are small differences, such as an abbreviated middle name or surname.
Your privacy is a priority for us. We handle your personal details with the utmost care and confidentiality. They are used exclusively for the event, and we commit to not sharing or selling your information. We do not, and will not, retain any extra information from your identification, such as your identification number. Verification will be conducted visually, focusing solely on your name and date of birth.
For comprehensive information on how we handle and protect your personal information, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy.
Minor Attendees
IWAG is for everyone 14 and up. For our younger fur friends between the ages of 14 to 16, remember to bring a signed Consent Form. We also need you to bring a piece of identification, for example:
- A Youth Identification Card (the Pink ID Card),
- A Passport or,
- A Student Card or,
- A photocopy of your Family Card
Whatever identification card you bring, they have to show your birth date and legal name.
Our Youngest Explorers
We welcome attendees younger than 14, however please note that:
- All official event programming in IWAG is suitable for attendees 14 and above. Parental discretion is required when bringing younger children. By allowing children below 14 to attend, you consent to this content rating and will waive IWAG from any responsibility regarding exposure to 14+ rated content.
- Attendees under 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Attendees between 11 and 14 can attend but will need to register for an Event Pass.
- Attendees 10 and below can attend for free, registration will be performed at the door alongside the accompanying adult.
“Accompanying adults” include parents and legal guardians. All accompanying adults must have a valid Event Pass to enter IWAG.
IWAG reserves the rights to validate the relationship between minor attendees and the accompanying adults, including using additional forms of ID.
Refer to the following table for our minor attendee policy.
Attendee Age | Can they attend by themselves? | Need parental waiver? | Must be always accompanied by parent/legal guardian? | Attend for free with a parent/legal guardian holding an Event Pass? | Need ID? |
17 and above | Yes | No | No | - | Yes |
14 to 16 | Yes | Yes | No | - | Yes |
11 to 13 | No | No | Yes | No | Accompanying adults |
10 and below | No | No | Yes | Yes | Accompanying adults |
Restricted Items
We want to make sure everyone has a good time at our convention. To do that we’ve got a few items that need to stay outside convention spaces:
- Smoking buddies: That means cigarettes, cigars (wow!), e-cigarettes, and vapes.
- Alcoholic drinks: Let’s keep the space bubbly with just our energy! We also reserve the right to reject admittance to those who appear intoxicated.
Please note, that if any of the above items make their way into the event, we will take care of them for you until you head out. You can of course consume them in private areas (such as your hotel rooms) or in designated areas.
Additionally, you must not bring these items into the convention venue:
- Weapons: Such as firearms or blade weapons.
- Controlled substances: Consult the Indonesian law for these. If we come across any, we will inform the authorities.
We also have some exceptions for specific members of the attendee:
- Dealers can bring box cutters and scissors, but only for use in the Dealer’s Den.
- Fursuiters can bring your repair kits. We know accidents can happen.
- For our role-playing enthusiasts, props that resemble weapons but aren’t sharp or metallic are welcome. We just ask
you to label them with a zip-tie during check-in.
- For projective toys such as Nerf Guns, airsoft, or water guns, make sure they are empty, unloaded, and clear of any projectile!
Our Security team or the venue staff themselves may do additional security checks. Please comply with all instructions for inspection.
Your Badge
Your badge is your special key to our event. Wear it with pride and make sure it’s always visible throughout the event. If you stumble upon a lost badge, kindly hand it over to our reception desk. You may return it to the owner yourself if you know them. Did you misplace yours? No worries, swing by the registration table, and we’ll see if a kind person has returned it. Here are some other notes on the badge.
- Please use only authentic badges. We will ask anyone with a copied or fake badge to leave.
- Feel free to personalize your badge with stickers, pictures, other lanyards, or pins. Just make sure your name and number are still easy to see.
- Our staff, venue staff, or any law enforcement might ask to see your badge and the identification you used for picking it up. So, have them handy.
- Bringing a badge from past events? We appreciate the thought, but please only wear this year’s badge. However, if you have badges from other cool events, you can have those alongside your IWAG one.
- If you lost your badge, swing by Convention Operations or Front Desk to have your ID and pass re-verified. Please note that if you find your lost badge after you have your replacement, you should return the replacement to Con Operations or Front Desk.
Badge sharing is off-limits. It might seem like harmless fun, but sharing badges compromises our event’s security. If you share your badge with someone who ends up breaking the rules, we’ll hold you accountable for their actions. So let’s play it safe and keep badges personal. If we find badges being shared, we have to ask all the parties involved to leave.
Your Stuff
Upon entering our convention, we’ll conduct a brief bag check. If we come across any items that aren’t allowed, don’t worry — we’ll store them for you to collect when you leave. Please note that if we find any controlled substances or dangerous material, we’re obligated to inform the authorities. You won’t be able to partake in our events in the future. Rest assured, any items we set aside during the bag check are securely stored, and ready for you to retrieve upon exiting.
We understand you might carry some cherished items with you. Keep them close to ensure their safety. If you stumble upon a misplaced item, our friendly con staff is at the ready to assist. Lost something? Check with the Con Operations room or venue staff; it might just be there waiting for you!
If you happen to have left behind something and realize it after the con, fret not. If we find something and nobody has picked it up during the con, we will surrender it to the venue’s lost and found department. You may then phone in and enquire our host venue about it.
As we revel in the fun and bond with fellow furries, remember to let our actions and words reflect the IWAG code of conduct. Our guiding principle is courtesy. Being polite and accommodating uplifts the atmosphere and makes the event enjoyable for attendees of all ages!
Creating a welcoming environment is a group effort, and that means no discrimination, harassment, or derogatory remarks based on identity are allowed. Harassment can manifest in many forms including but not limited to stalking, offensive comments, or unwelcome physical contact. Such behavior has no place at IWAG.
If someone’s actions unsettle you, consider opening a dialogue. A friendly and understanding chat often resolves minor issues. However, if the problem persists, don’t hesitate to bring it to the attention of IWAG staff. It’s important to let us know right away, as addressing issues after the event wraps up can be tricky.
It’s important to underscore our zero-tolerance policy for violence and threats. If you encounter anything of this nature, your first call should be to the authorities, followed by informing us of all the relevant details. Our ultimate goal is to foster a safe and joyful space for everyone to enjoy.
We do not condone, and we do not want to expose our community to unsavory behavior. As such, to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all attendees, please note that we reserve the right to conduct checks on our attendees, as governed by our Privacy Policy. The checks will be done with the knowledge of our convention leadership.
For more details of unwelcomed behavior or individuals, please read our anti-harassment policy and harmful behavior policy.
Fursuiting Guidelines
At IWAG, when you wear a fursuit, you are not just a participant, you are the face of our community. This applies not only inside the venue but also when you are in a public place next to the event. It is important to keep this in mind.
Our fursuit events are designed to be family-friendly and suitable for a wide range of age groups. The fursuit you wear must also be suitable for all ages. Make sure that your fursuit is not “anatomically accurate” or too revealing. Inappropriate attire, including indecent costumes or controversial symbols, is not permitted.
Lastly, remember that wearing a fursuit can make you sweat, so make sure you and your fursuit stay fresh and clean.
Regarding the schedule, our organizers will inform you about fursuit events. Make sure you are on time. You also need to prepare everything you might need, such as hydration or handlers. Your comfort and safety are your responsibility. IWAG staff are there to facilitate, not to meet individual needs.
We have prepared a special room for our fursuiters, where you can dress up, freshen up, or rest. This space is monitored to ensure the safety of your equipment. We recommend that you use this area to avoid costume-related incidents.
For bystanders, understand that fursuits can limit your vision and hearing. We urge fellow attendees to be careful and provide enough space for fursuiters. Avoid sudden or unexpected interactions. Respecting personal boundaries is very important. Remember, every fursuit and costume is a work of art. So, ask permission first before approaching or interacting with any fursuiters.
Dressing Up the Fun Way
Here are some of the guidelines to keep in mind regarding your outfits.
First, let’s keep our outfits animal-friendly by skipping real fur.
As for body paint, visit our Ops desk for quick approval. This helps to prevent damage from costumes and venues. Don’t worry about face makeup, just be careful when you apply it.
When it comes to dressing up, please keep it family-friendly and suitable to the nature of the event. Avoid attire that’s too provocative, causes confusion, or might provoke legitimate complaints or offense. This includes outfits with fetishistic elements or the uniforms of actual organizations, be they governmental or private.
Keep your costumes from being “anatomically correct” or indecently revealing. If you’ve got a costume idea that might skirt these rules a bit, you can check in with Ops for a thumbs-up.
Your outfit choices reflect our community, so let’s keep it tasteful and fun for everyone.
Feel free to capture your exciting moments for personal use. Don’t forget to ask permission before taking photos of other people. Also, understand that sometimes you may appear in the background of someone else’s photo.
Sometimes the IWAG crew will also take photos and videos. These photos become our property and may appear in our promotional materials or publications. By attending, you give your consent to IWAG to use these media for non-commercial purposes without compensation or notification.
If someone is in a private situation, such as receiving medical attention or relaxing in a fursuit lounge, please respect their privacy. We do not allow taking pictures or sharing photos and videos of these private moments.
The use of hidden recording devices is strictly prohibited. Only cameras and cellphones may be used to take photos or videos during the event. Make sure that your subject is aware they are being recorded, unless you’re taking crowd shots.
If you want to record any event in IWAG, be it for live stream, mass media publications, or research, you need to get our approval first. Please send a letter to [email protected] explaining your intention. You also need to buy passes like other participants.
Lastly, some programs at IWAG may have their own rules regarding recording devices
Venue Space
To ensure a pleasant stay at the venue, all hotel guests, including those attending the convention daily, must follow the hotel’s rules. This is required even if you’re not staying at the hotel. You need to adhere to all noise guidelines. If staff from the event or venue asks you to close your hotel room door or turn down your volume, please do so. Not following these rules could lead to penalties, including losing your convention badge.
Sleeping in the convention area is not allowed. If you need to rest, please go to a private place like your hotel room or home. If you don’t have a room yet, you can find booking options on our website or other hotel booking sites. Sleeping in public or convention areas overnight is not allowed. You could be asked to leave the venue by the staff.
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is not allowed in the venue due to low ceilings and limited space unless you have explicit permission from Convention Operations and they have made a public announcement about it.
Playing By The Rules
If someone slips up and doesn’t stick to our Code of Conduct, there might be a few consequences. These can range from a friendly reminder to possibly needing to leave. But fret not! Our IWAG team is all about understanding and empathy. Do you feel something’s off? Or if you think a situation wasn’t handled just right, our directors’ ears are always open.
While we encourage open-mindedness, we also uphold responsibility. If someone’s actions cause damage or pose safety risks, they’ll be held accountable, even if it means involving law enforcement. Our focus is always on creating a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.
On certain cases, we may need to extend enforcement of the Code of Conduct to non-registered patrons and guests of our venues if we assess that they have went to noticeably great lengths against the safety and comfort of our attendees, and we will work with hotel, venue and law enforcement teams to keep everyone - attendees and venue guests alike - safe and happy.
Liability Waiver
By participating in IWAG, you acknowledge these terms and commit to upholding them:
- You agree to abide by all rules and follow any instructions set forth by both IWAG organizers and the venue hosting the event. You acknowledge that any violations or damage caused are your sole responsibility.
- You recognize that any transactions occurring during IWAG are the responsibility of both the seller and buyer. Both parties must comply with local regulations, and IWAG assumes no liability for these transactions.
- You consent to have your identity tied to your badge. Any violation of the Rules of Conduct established by IWAG, or rules set by the venue, may result in the revocation of your badge without any refund and could lead to indefinite membership cancellation.
Our team is committed to providing a fun, safe, and inclusive experience for all attendees. Please understand that despite our best efforts to follow safety and health guidelines, not all risks can be eliminated entirely. Aside from the obligations required by Indonesian law, we cannot assume responsibility for any actions performed by or affecting attendees, nor for any damage, injury, or loss incurred during the event.
Your understanding and cooperation are deeply appreciated.
Need to Know
Got a question or two about our code of conduct? Drop us a line anytime at [email protected]. The sooner, the better, especially if it’s before the event kicks off.
We might tweak these rules now and then. But don’t worry, the most recent version will always be right here on this page.
Can’t wait to see you at IWAG! Together, let’s make this an unforgettable, joyful, and safe celebration for everyone!