Public Transit Guide

Navigating public transport with ease



Hey there fuzzies! Are you planning for your trip to IWAG? This guide, written in collaboration with the awesome folks at Indonesian Furries Public Transport Enthusiasts (IF:PTE), has got your back without any of the extra fluff. With simple tips to make your trip a hassle-free breeze, let’s get you to the venue ready for a great time!

Many thanks to the IF:PTE team for their great work! If you want to know more about them you can say hi to them here:

Public Transit Services

There are a few ways to get around the greater Jakarta area by public transport, whether it be by bus or rail. These include:

  • B
    Commuter Line trains, otherwise known as KRL
  • A
    Airport Rail Link (part of the Commuter Line network)
  • BK
    LRT (Light Rail Transit)
  • Transjakarta Icon BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)
  • Transjakarta Icon Metrotrans (city buses), Minitrans (minibuses), and Mikrotrans (microbuses)
  • M
    MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)

Transit Map

Transit Map - October 2024

To help you get around the city with public transport, Transport for Jakarta (FDTJ), a non-profit organisation helping out in awareness of the greater Jakarta public transit system, has put out a map for everyone to use!

You can take these maps for free in some stations/bus stops within the public transit network, if they’re in stock. You can also download a digital version of their maps.

Paying For Your Fare

Jakarta has a wide array of choices for those who are traveling on a tight budget, and you can get around Jakarta for less than a cup of coffee!

Here’s a list of payment methods and tickets available throughout the network:

  • Electronic Money Cards
    Bank-issued stored value cards, such as Mandiri e-money, BCA Flazz, BNI TapCash, BRI Brizzi, or Bank DKI Jakcard. These can be topped up at the respective bank’s branch office or ATM, or through some convenience store chains.
  • MyMRTJ App
    While the MyMRTJ App is available for buying single-trip QR tickets for MRT, we highly recommend procuring and using an electronic money card as the reliability of the QR code readers vary.
  • JakLingko App
    While the JakLingko App is available, we highly recommend procuring and using an electronic money card as the reliability of the QR code readers vary, especially in the BRT network.
  • GoTransit
    Part of the Gojek App. Can only be used at the Commuter Line, and if use in conjunction with Gojek’s own ride-hailing service as a last-mile connection.
  • KAI Access
    Mainly used for purchasing intercity train tickets, but also works for Commuter Line, LRT Jabodebek, and Airport Rail Link tickets.


Contactless payments (such as via Visa or MasterCard) are not supported anywhere in the network.

Please note that each payment method might not work depending on the mode of transport you take. Refer to the table below to see which payment methods are supported. We strongly recommend recommend procuring and using an electronic money card as it’s the most universal form of payment.

Payment MethodKRLLRT JabodebekLRT JakartaTransJakartaMikrotrans (Jaklingko)MRT
Electronic Money Cards
JakLingko App
KAI Access
Contactless (Visa/Mastercard)

Tarif Integrasi (Integration Fare)

Did you know that some public transportation in Jakarta has an integrated fare system? JakLingko, the Jakarta government’s program to integrate payments for all public transport modes that operate within the greater Jakarta area, has an integrated fare system known locally as Tarif Integrasi.

If you’re wondering, this feature will provide discounted fares if you pay using the aforementioned Electronic Money Cards for every additional mode of transport you take that’s within the Tarif Integrasi network within a 3-hour window. The maximum fare offered by Tarif Integrasi is IDR 10,000 across all modes of transportation.


The maximum limit for Tarif Integrasi is 3 hours. If you exceed the 3 hours mark, you will be charged with the maximum fare for each service.

You can take advantage of Tarif Integrasi on the following services:

  • S
    LRT Jakarta
    NOT to be confused with
    LRT Jabodebek
  • Transjakarta Icon Transjakarta
    Only on BRT routes. Non-BRT, TransJabodetabek feeder buses or city tour buses are not included.
  • M
    MRT Jakarta

Older generation of Electronic Money Cards (e.g. Flazz Gen 1 cards) won’t receive the discount due to technical issues. But if you have a newer card, you might be able to qualify for this program! Also note that even when a card is branded as “JakLingko card”, it might not qualify for the program (e.g. JakLingko-branded Electronic Money Cards with a TransJakarta logo).

So make sure you do not make the same mistake as one of our staff members and make sure your card is eligible for the program in the first place!

Before you can experience Tarif Integrasi, you will need to first activate your eligible card. In order to ensure your card is already activated, you must tap twice on the Balance Check Terminal (BCT) in any TransJakarta, MRT Jakarta, or LRT Jakarta stops. If the reader shows something along the lines of “Kartu Intermoda: Aktif”, then you’re good to go!

Example of the message that appears when a Tarif Integrasi-eligible card is tapped into the Balance Check Terminal (BCT).

Example of the message that appears when a Tarif Integrasi-eligible card is tapped into the Balance Check Terminal (BCT).

Arriving by Intercity Train

jatinegara yahoos

Are you taking an Intercity train to Jakarta? If so, this section is for you!

Most Intercity trains terminate at the following stations:

Note that Gambir Station is not connected to any Commuter Line services. You will have to take a taxi or an online ride-hailing service to Tanah Abang station to continue your journey on the Rangkasbitung Line.

Some trains will stop at these stations in Bekasi and East Jakarta before terminating in the aforementioned stations.

You can alight at any of these stations and then connect with the Commuter Line trains on the Cikarang Line.


If you are a heavy traveler (carrying more than 1 bag and/or a fursuiter carrying their fursuit), this may not be a suitable option for you. You might need to use a taxi, online ride-hailing app, or have someone pick you up in the station!

For our folks from Bandung, you can always take the following trains:

    Tegalluar, Padalarang ←→ Halim
    IDR 150,000 to IDR 250,000 (Dynamic Pricing)
    Connecting Service:
    LRT Jabodebek Bekasi Line
  • Argo Parahyangan & Pangandaran
    Bandung ←→ Gambir
    IDR 150,000 (Economy Premium)
    IDR 450,000 (Luxury Class)
  • Serayu Pagi & Malam
    Kiaracondong ←→ Pasar Senen
    IDR 65,000 (Economy PSO)
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line
  • Cikuray Pagi
    Bandung ←→ Pasar Senen
    IDR 45,000 (Economy PSO)
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line

Dynamic pricing may apply to these tickets. See the KAI Access app for more up to date prices!

If you are from other cities, you can take a look at the table below.

  • Merak
    Lokal Merak* (Merak ←→ Rangkasbitung)
    IDR 3,000
    Connecting Service:
    Rangkasbitung Line
  • Sukabumi
    Pangrango (Sukabumi ←→ Bogor)
    IDR 30,000 - IDR 50,000
    Connecting Service:
    Bogor Line
  • Purwokerto / Kiaracondong
    Serayu* (Purwokerto ←→ Pasar Senen)
    IDR 65,000
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line
  • Garut / Bandung
    Cikuray* (Pasar Senen ←→ Garut)
    IDR 45,000
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line
  • Klaten / Lempuyangan / Purwokerto / Cirebon Prujakan
    Bengawan* (Purwosari ←→ Pasar Senen)
    IDR 74,000
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line
  • Surabaya Pasar Turi / Semarang Poncol
    Airlangga* (Surabaya Pasar Turi ←→ Pasar Senen)
    IDR 104,000
    Connecting Service:
    Cikarang Line

* Economy PSO configuration


Economy PSO is a subsidized rail service. Some people may find the seating arrangement uncomfortable, as it has seats that do not recline and is positioned at 70 to 90°.

Arriving by Plane

Airplane illustration

There are two international airports in the greater Jakarta. If you’ll be flying in from one of these airports, here are a few tips for you!

Soekarno-Hatta Airport (CGK)

Did you know that Soekarno-Hatta International Airport has a train station?

You can take the Skytrain from any of the three terminals to the airport railway station to continue your journey into the city. The Airport Rail Link ticket will set you back up to IDR 70,000 per trip, and the trains have ample space for you to put down your luggage.

The Airport Rail Link calls at the following stations:

You can have one of your buddies pick you up from any stations mentioned above, or transfer to the Commuter Line.


If you’re carrying heavy pieces of luggage, the commuter train is not for you. You might need to hail a taxi, use online ride-hailing apps, take one of the direct shuttle buses, or have someone pick you up in the station!

If you prefer taking a shuttle bus from the airport, there is also direct shuttle service to BSD City available.

If you want to try something new, you can use TransJakarta! For the price of a bottle of Nipis Madu™, you can take this corridor:

Halim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP)

If you’re arriving to Jakarta from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, you need to hail a taxi to either the following transit stops:

Traveling by Intercity Bus/Minibus

Aside from trains and commuter trains, you can also take a minibus to BSD City. Some of these operators are located within BSD City.

Drop offOperatorDistance to Venue
Ruko VersaillesDaytrans5.5km - 6.3km
Ruko Golden BoulevardCititrans6.8km
ITC BSDJackal Holidays5.3km
Griya Loka BSDBaraya5.4km


If you’re carrying heavy pieces of luggage, you might need to hail a taxi, use online ride-hailing apps, take one of the direct shuttle buses, or have someone pick you up in the terminal.

If you choose to take an intercity bus, you will have to continue your journey with an online ride-hailing app or a commuter train. Below is a list of bus terminals that are directly connected to a local mode of transportation.

Online Ride-Hailing Services

We have listed the approximate prices below, should you need to take this into account for your budgeting.

  • Terminal Poris Plawad
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar): IDR 100K to IDR 120K
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike): IDR 30K to IDR 70K
  • Ruko Golden Boulevard
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar): IDR 31K
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike): IDR 21.5K to IDR 22K
  • Ruko Versailles / ITC BSD
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar): IDR 33K to IDR 45K
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike): IDR 21K to IDR 22.5K
  • Griya Loka
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar): IDR 38K to IDR 50K
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike): IDR 20K to IDR 25K
  • Intermark BSD
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar):
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike):
  • R
    ride-hailing (GoCar/Grabcar):
    Motorcycle Taxi (Gojek/GrabBike): IDR 15K to IDR 16K
Rush/busy hours and adverse weather fee not included.

Innercity Modes

Your destination will be at ibis Styles BSD City, South Tangerang. The nearest station from the venue is:

This station is part of the Rangkasbitung Line. While it’s easier to transfer to the Rangkasbitung Line at Tanah Abang, this station can get really crowded especially in early morning and late afternoon rush hours. Here’s an alternative that may cost more, but provides a more pleasant experience!

  1. Continue on the Cikarang Line towards either one of these stations:
    • A
      BNI CITY/Sudirman Baru Station
      Preferred station if you’re arriving via the Airport Rail Link.
    • C
      Most Commuter Line passengers will drop here, but it’s still recommended to drop at Sudirman Baru to ease the load at this station.
  2. When arriving at Sudirman Baru or Sudirman, follow the signs towards
    Dukuh Atas BNI MRT station. Take the train bound for Lebak Bulus.
  3. Drop off at
    ASEAN Station. Follow the signs towards the CSW transit hub, where you will transfer to the Transjakarta Icon Transjakarta. Here, you can take either the 13, 13B, 13E, or L13E buses towards Puri Beta 2. If you’re confused, it’s the BRT corridors that run on separate overhead lanes.
  4. Drop off at Velbak. Follow the signs through a long footbridge heading towards
    Kebayoran Station
  5. Take the Rangkasbitung Line towards Rangkasbitung, and drop off at
    Cisauk Station.


Heads up! L13E is a weekdays-only express service of 13E, which stops only at major transit shelters. Should you miss your stop at Velbak, you will be taken all the way to Petukangan Utara BRT Shelter. Don’t worry, you can still take the the 13, 13B, 13E, or L13E corridor back towards Velbak.

The Last Mile

Once you alight at Cisauk Station, exit and follow the signs towards Terminal Intermoda BSD. This is a large bus terminal right next to a modern market of the same name.

Cisauk Station Exit

There will be a 5-10 minute walk down a protected walkway to the terminal, where there is enough space for you to wait for your ride-hailing service to arrive. You can wait for your ride-hailing vehicle at the pick-up lanes just below the terminal.


BSD City has its own BSD Link bus network, but due to their lack of reliable schedule, we strongly advise you to use a taxi, online ride-hailing app, or have someone pick you up from Terminal Intermoda BSD.

Service Times

Here you can see the service time of all transport modes in Jakarta.

Transport ModeOpensCloses
Airport Rail Link
  • Manggarai: 05:00
  • Soekarno-Hatta: 06:00
  • Manggarai: 21:30
  • Soekarno-Hatta: 22:30
Commuter Line04:00-05:00
  • Cikarang via Manggarai: 23:15
  • Cikarang via Pasar Senen: 22:30
  • Duri → Tangerang: 23:48
  • Jakarta Kota → Bogor: 23:00
  • Jakarta Kota → Nambo: 20:20
  • Cisauk → Tanah Abang: 22:52
MRT05:0023:30 (from Bundaran HI)
BRT05:0024 hours, with night services for major corridors (1 to 14) from 22:00-05:00
LRT Jabodebek
  • Jatimulya → Dukuh Atas: 05:22
  • Harjamukti → Dukuh Atas: 05:30
  • Dukuh Atas → Jatimulya: 22:49
  • Dukuh Atas → Harjamukti: 22:54


If you have any questions about your destination, don’t hesitate to ask the attending security guard or staff. They will help you navigate through the station and get you to your destination in a timely manner.